Ever heard someone say “The carpenter's house always needs work.”? That was us before revamping our website. We knew that a redesign and refresh was way overdue, but tackling such a huge internal project can be so daunting when client projects and other deadlines overshadow.

Most businesses would rush the project or avoid it, but we knew that we wanted to really do a good job with the new website. This was our opportunity to create the best online experience for ourselves that we possibly could, I mean.. We say and do it all the time for our clients, so why wouldn’t we hold the same standard for ourselves?


We spent a lot of time figuring out our goals for the new website and reviewing our current site to see how we would approach things differently. The main issue with the old site was that it looked out-dated, lacked personality, and didn’t clearly state the services we provided. From reviewing the site we came up with 3 main objectives for the new website.

  • To clearly define our strengths & services.
  • To showcase our work and our marketing results.
  • To let people into our culture & reinforce the Legnd brand.

We made sure to keep these ideas in the back of our mind throughout the project while made every single decision, whether it was to do with design, experience, or strategy more focused.


Before jumping into the design we wanted to take the time to focus on our main messages and what types of pages and content needed to be present to support them. We spent a lot of time coming up with the service pages, case study pages, and other pages of the site we wanted to include.

From this point, we all collaborated on writing meaningful and insightful content for each page. Creating the content ahead of time, helped to make the design of the site feel more tailored to the content.


Reviewing our old site, and analyzing websites that we admired, we knew exactly what we wanted the website to look like. We wanted the design to be image heavy but balanced with plenty of white space, allowing the content to breathe. The design of the site went through many rounds of revisions and reworks. We didn’t settle until we felt the design was on brand.

The fun part about designing an internal project is getting more freedom then you would if you were designing for a client. We got to experiment with icon design and unique ways of displaying the information.


Since launching the new site, we’ve paid close attention to how users are interacting with our site. We are able to see if important messages are being overlooked, or if something is being clicked on that isn’t clickable. Taking the time to examine these interactions with our website allows us to make the right changes to create a more user friendly experience.


A mistake we made with the old site was neglecting to update it. This time around we are adding case studies, contributing to the blog, and constantly thinking of ways to improve and develop the site even further.

While this process was lengthy and at times stressful, it was worth it in the end. We now have a website that we can be proud of.

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